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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

"On the Money" on ANC

I have learned most of the tips for personal finance online but it was only a few months back that I've come to know about "On the Money".

"On the Money" is a daily show of ABS-CBN News Channel (ANC).  I have the option to watch them online should I miss any of their episodes.  Interestingly, their topics are broad but ultimately, they wanted to inform Filipinos how to properly invest, guide them, and give them advise on how to better manage their finances.  I admit, I am one of those who live on paychecks-to-paychecks.


Writer's Note

This blog is a compilation of my opinion. Anything written here are original. Should you want to quote any of the posts here, kindly put proper credit. Otherwise, it is subject for approval.

Also, the posts should not be considered as a financial advice. Please consult a certified financial planner for a comprehensive advice on Financial Management, Planning and Personal Finance.

Thank you.


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